先日作ったレンダラにレンズを加えてDOF(Depth Of Field)を再現してみた。
上の図は瞳分割4x4でに50sample/direction。下の図は瞳分割なしの50*16 sample/pixel
ところで家のデスクトップはCore i5の2.67GHzだが、こっちのほうが遅い。
上の図は瞳分割4x4でに50sample/direction。下の図は瞳分割なしの50*16 sample/pixel
ところで家のデスクトップはCore i5の2.67GHzだが、こっちのほうが遅い。
/* pathtrace_basic: basic path tracing from smallpt pathtrace_dof: introducing a camera model. this subaperture */ #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> //#define drand48() (double(rand()) / RAND_MAX) class Vec { public: double x, y, z; // constructor Vec(double x_ = 0.0, double y_ = 0.0, double z_ = 0.0) {x = x_; y = y_; z = z_;} //operator overloading Vec operator+(const Vec &b) { return Vec(x+b.x, y+b.y, z+b.z); } Vec operator-(const Vec &b) { return Vec(x-b.x, y-b.y, z-b.z); } Vec operator*(double b) { return Vec(b*x, b*y, b*z); } Vec operator%(const Vec &b) { return Vec(y*b.z - z*b.y, z*b.x-x*b.z, x*b.y-y*b.x);} // cross product Vec mult(const Vec &b) { return Vec(x*b.x, y*b.y, z*b.z); } Vec& norm() { return *this = *this * (1/sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)); } double dot(const Vec &b) { return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z; } }; class Ray { public: Vec o, d; Ray(Vec o_, Vec d_) : o(o_), d(d_) {} // constructor }; class Plane2D { public: double x, y; int xres, yres; Plane2D(double x_, double y_, int xres_, int yres_): x(x_), y(y_), xres(xres_), yres(yres_) {} }; class Sensor : public Plane2D { public: Vec *c; //color array Sensor(double x_, double y_, int xres_, int yres_): Plane2D(x_, y_, xres_, yres_) { c = new Vec[xres*yres]; } ~Sensor(){ delete c; } }; class Lens : public Plane2D { public: double f; Lens(double f_, double x_, double y_, int xres_, int yres_): Plane2D(x_, y_, xres_, yres_) { f = f_; } }; class Camera { public: Sensor* snsr; Lens* lens; double a; //distance from lens to sensor, suppose lens and snsr are parallel. double beta; //magnification Vec pos; //center of the lens Vec dir; Vec up; Vec hrz; //constructor Camera(Sensor& s, Lens& l, double a_, Vec pos_, Vec dir_, Vec up_) { snsr = &s; lens = &l; a = a_; pos = pos_; dir = dir_; up = up_; hrz = (up%dir).norm(); beta = l.f / (a-l.f); } Vec conj(int xi, int yi); Vec lens_coord(int ui, int vi); }; Vec Camera::conj(int xi, int yi) { //input coordinate on the sensor //returns coordinate of the conjugate position Vec d = hrz * (0.5 - (0.5+xi)/snsr->xres) * snsr->x + up * (0.5 - (0.5+yi)/snsr->yres) * (-snsr->y) + dir * a; //from pix to the lens' center return pos + d * beta; } Vec Camera::lens_coord(int ui, int vi) { return pos + hrz*((0.5+ui)/lens->xres - 0.5)*lens->x + up*((0.5+vi)/lens->yres - 0.5) * (-lens->y); } enum Refl_type { DIFF, SPEC, REFR}; class Sphere { public: double rad; Vec pos, emi, color; Refl_type refl; //constructor Sphere(double rad_, Vec pos_, Vec emi_, Vec color_, Refl_type refl_): rad(rad_), pos(pos_), emi(emi_), color(color_), refl(refl_) {} double intersect(const Ray &r) { //returns distance, 0 if missed Vec op = pos - r.o; double t, eps=1e-4; double b = op.dot(r.d); double det = b*b - op.dot(op) + rad*rad; if (det < 0) { return 0; } else { det = sqrt(det); } return (t = b-det) > eps ? t : ((t = b + det) > eps ? t : 0); } }; Sphere spheres[] = {//Scene: // radius, position, emission, color, material Sphere(1e5, Vec(-1e5-50, 0.0, 0.0), Vec(), Vec(.75,.25,.25), DIFF),//Left Sphere(1e5, Vec( 1e5+50, 0.0, 0.0), Vec(), Vec(.25,.25,.75), DIFF),//Rght Sphere(1e5, Vec(0.0, 0.0, -1e5-50), Vec(), Vec(.75,.75,.75), DIFF),//Back //Sphere(1e5, Vec(0.0, 0.0, 1e5+1000),Vec(), Vec(), DIFF),//Frnt Sphere(1e5, Vec(0.0, -1e5-50, 0.0), Vec(), Vec(.75,.75,.75), DIFF),//Botm Sphere(1e5, Vec(0.0, 1e5+50, 0.0), Vec(), Vec(.75,.75,.0), DIFF),//Top Sphere(16.5, Vec(-20, -50+16.5, -50), Vec(), Vec(.99,0.0,.0), DIFF),// Sphere(16.5, Vec( 0, -50+16.5, 0), Vec(), Vec(1,1,1)*.999, REFR),//Glas Sphere(16.5, Vec( 20, -50+16.5, 50), Vec(), Vec(.99, .99, .0), DIFF),// Sphere(300, Vec(0.0, 349., 50.0), Vec(6,6,6), Vec(), DIFF) //Lite }; inline double clamp(double x) { return x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : x; } inline int toInt(double x) { return int(pow(clamp(x), 1/2.2)*255+.5); } inline bool intersect(const Ray &r, double &t, int &id) { //loop over the spheres, //and store the closest distance and the id. int n = sizeof(spheres) / sizeof(Sphere); double d, inf = t = 1e20; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((d=spheres[i].intersect(r))>1e-4 && d < t) { t = d; id = i; } } return t<inf; } Vec radiance(const Ray &r_, int depth_) { double t; //distance to intersection int id = 0; Ray r = r_; int depth = depth_; Vec color(0,0,0); //accumulated color Vec reflect(1,1,1); //accumulated reflectance while(1) { if (!intersect(r, t, id)) //if missed return color; const Sphere &obj = spheres[id]; // hit object Vec x = r.o + r.d * t; // intersection point Vec n = (x-obj.pos).norm(); //surface normal Vec nl = n.dot(r.d) < 0 ? n : n*(-1); //dot becomes negative if ray is goin into the sphere. Vec oc = obj.color; //object color (reflectance). color = color + reflect.mult(obj.emi); //accumulate color if any emission //printf("%f, %f, %f", color.x, color.y, color.z); double p = oc.x > oc.y && oc.x > oc.z ? oc.x : oc.y > oc.z ? oc.y : oc.z; // max object reflectance //russian roulet if (drand48() < p) { oc = oc * (1/p); //normalize by maximum reflectnce } else { return color; } reflect = reflect.mult(oc); //accumulate reflectance if (obj.refl == DIFF) { //lambert diffusion double r1 = 2 * M_PI * drand48(); double r2 = drand48(), r2s = sqrt(r2); // new axis @ a intersection point Vec w = nl; Vec u = ((fabs(w.x) > 0.1 ? Vec(0,1,0): Vec(1,0,0))%w).norm(); Vec v = w % u; //random sample in a semisphere Vec d = (u*cos(r1)*r2s + v*sin(r1)*r2s + w*sqrt(1-r2)).norm(); r = Ray(x, d); continue; } else if (obj.refl == SPEC) { //specular reflection (like mirror) r = Ray(x, r.d - n*2*n.dot(r.d)); continue; } //dielectric Refraction Ray reflRay(x, r.d - n*2*n.dot(r.d)); //reflection ray bool into = n.dot(nl) > 0; // true if ray is goin into the object double ni = 1.0, nr = 1.5; double nir = into ? ni/nr : nr/ni; double ddn = r.d.dot(nl); double cos2t = 1 - nir*nir*(1-ddn*ddn); if (cos2t < 0) { //total reflection r = reflRay; continue; } Vec refr_dir = (r.d * nir - n*((into?1:-1) * (ddn*nir + sqrt(cos2t)))).norm(); //refracted ray double R0 = (nr-ni)*(nr-ni)/((nr+ni)*(nr+ni)); //normal reflectance double co = 1 - (into ? -ddn : refr_dir.dot(n)); double Re = R0 + (1 - R0) * co * co * co * co * co; //sheered reflectance double Tr = 1 - Re; if (drand48() < Re) { r = reflRay; //reflected } else { r = Ray(x, refr_dir); //refracted } continue; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ srand(time(NULL)); clock_t sclock, eclock; int samps = argc==2 ? atoi(argv[1]): 1; // # samples int xres = 256, yres = xres; int ures = 1, vres = ures; Sensor snsr(100., 100., xres, yres); double fl = 100; Lens lens(fl, fl/1.4, fl/1.4, ures, vres); Camera cam(snsr, lens, 2*fl, Vec(0.0, -0.1, 50+fl*2), Vec(0., 0., -1.), Vec(0.,1.,0.)); int uv = cam.lens->xres * cam.lens->yres; Vec r; //#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) private(r) // OpenMP sclock = clock(); for (int y=0; y < cam.snsr->yres; y++){ // Loop over image rows fprintf(stderr,"\rRendering (%d spp) %5.2f%%",samps,100.*y/(cam.snsr->yres-1)); for (int x=0; x < cam.snsr->xres; x++) { // Loop over img cols Vec pconj = cam.conj(x,y); r = Vec(); //radiance for (int v=0; v<cam.lens->yres; v++) { for (int u=0; u<cam.lens->xres; u++) { Vec p = cam.lens_coord(u,v); Vec d = (pconj - p).norm();//lens to the conj point for(int s=0; s<samps; s++) { r = r + radiance(Ray(p,d), 0) * (1./(samps*uv)); } } } int i = (cam.snsr->xres-1-y)*cam.snsr->xres + x; cam.snsr->c[i] = Vec(clamp(r.x),clamp(r.y),clamp(r.z)); } } eclock = clock(); printf("time: %.2f1[s]\n",(double)(eclock-sclock)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); FILE *f = fopen("image.ppm", "w"); // Write image to PPM file. fprintf(f, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", cam.snsr->xres, cam.snsr->yres, 255); for (int i=0; i< cam.snsr->xres * cam.snsr->yres; i++) { fprintf(f,"%d %d %d ", toInt(cam.snsr->c[i].x), toInt(cam.snsr->c[i].y), toInt(cam.snsr->c[i].z)); } }
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